Sunday, December 9

Sunday Service


Wow, today's worship was just heavenly! I feel like I haven't worshiped so freely for a while and this afternoon the Holy Spirit just made my heart burn for God. Lord I can sing of Your love forever!

Pastor David's sharing completely blew me away. I had been praying to God to tell me what my calling is and to help me live a disciplined and purpose-driven life, so today's message on goals and Pastor David's prayer gave me God's answer. Hallelujah!

Importance of goals:
Goals determine our attitude. Attitude determines our sense of joy. That sense of joy determines our sense of purpose. Many people in this world live like football athletes running around and hitting each other aimlessly. We need to set goals to know where to run! We need to set our end zones right so nothing in this world will be able to shake us. We won't be drown by this world because God has shown us the light.

Two end zones that we will/must go after for the rest of our lives if we love Jesus:

1.First End Zone: Build Up God's Kingdom: We need to prepare for the harvest by building God's system so people will see His light.
  • Billions Will Be Saved: In Revelation7:9~15, John saw countless people before God's throne. These people were all saved during the Tribulation. City after city will surrender to God in a matter of days as nation after nation will turn to Him before Christ returns. If ten billion will be saved in seven years that means three millions will accept God as their personal savior every day!! This is incredible! I'm so excited!
  • The Need For A "God System": Yet the Tribulation is also a time of great darkness; the anti-Christ will take over and rule this earth with one government. To counter that, the people of God needs to start building a global system of refuge that will offer a way out of the anti-Christ' network. Billions don't get saved because big churches are build or holy preachers are raised; they will get saved if we would build up God's network on earth. We are called to be the light of the world and the salt of the earth. We need to establish a system not of this world but of heaven.
  • Building His Kingdom Now: A kingdom is made of government, education, and economy. It takes a lot of money to build a kingdom, but God desires many of us to have the wealth of Babylon to build up the system. God will use us as key people to turn kings' hearts to God's kingdom. That's why we need to study hard in school so in the future we can connect with CEO's of global companies that dominate the world. We need God's people to rise up in every area: in the government, in the education system, and in the economy. God will use the world's system to equip us, and we need to do all we can to learn so we can invest into God's kingdom. This is not the time to slack off, this is a time to work hard. We need to excel above our peers because we are going to build a system not of this world. There is a calling to take leadership and build up God's network, a network built for the sake of saving souls.
2. Second End Zone: Jesus' Millennium: Everything we do today needs to be built into the Kingdom of light and last forever into eternity.
  • There will be a flood that washes everything away when Christ returns. When the flood comes everything will perish, but the system we built in this world for God will stand. Everything we do will stand strong so when Christ comes, He will not destroy it, and will build His millennium kingdom on it. That's what it means to build for the eternal kingdom.
It is time for us to shift our reliance on the systems of this world to the kingdom of God, because the world will soon come under Satan's control. If we build our confidence on the world, we are building our houses on sand. We need to build our house on Jesus, the Rock.

Let's run toward these two end zones and follow Jesus!


johnny said...

Just how crazy is that Jack's sermon last Sunday was about building on rocks instead of sands. God's sending out a new message to our parents' generation, our generation, and the next. Man was the service a complete different taste of God or what! The message today totally stirred up my heart. Simply awestruck. You are a great note taker, Alice in the winter wonderland!

jasypants said...

yup. secretary. lol

Sarah Wang said...

Lord I pray for my lovely sister Alice now. May her heart be as pure as gold and white as snow. I pray for strength, concentration, comprehension, and wisdom be poured unto her entirely. Embrace her and protect her from any kinds of darkness invasion, and let her invade her campus with the light from the only Son of God. You are forever faithful. In Jesus' Name I pray, AMEN.

keep it up, you don't know how much your note taking can be encouragements and reminders to people. :)

smile, you look beautiful with it.


Sarah Wang said...

wow its the first time you didn't update for a whole week!! @____@
studying hard for finals eh?
go alice go go alice!!
almost there!!!!! xD

see you on friday~!! :)
do u need me to bring your black dress/skirt for u?
i'll call u tmr to make sure.
good luck!


Anonymous said...

can we have some of these sunday sharings printed out?

i'd like to spend some time pondering over them during LTC.

can't wait to spend more time with ya.

you're an admirable God Chick. I'm so proud of you, dear.


jasypants said...

Merry Christmas Hun. Hope you're having a BLAST at PS. =] ENJOY THOSE PALM TREES FOR ME!!! hahaha ^_^

jasypants said...

Have fun at LTC.

johnny said...


johnny said...

Yo Alice, keep up the blogging. Don't stop recording your very own book of acts!