Tuesday, October 30

Our True Identity

My identity is not based on my skills, my achievements, or what others and myself think of me. My identity is a beloved child of our heavenly Father. Only what the Father thinks of me matters. My Creator determines who I am.

(cool huh? I drew that with Microsoft Paint!! XD)

These days, Jesus has been teaching me what I should be thankful for. One day, I was counting all the blessings I have, "Lord, thank You for the roof over me, for the clothes I wear, the food I eat; thank You that I'm healthy, that I..." Then I heard Jesus say, "Clothes? Food? That's what you are thankful about? Celebrate and give thanks for the love and mercy and salvation that you received!" I was so blown away by His words. Yes! That's true! Clothes and all those things will not last, but the salvation I have will! I should rejoice daily for Jesus' abundant love and mercy! So I started to praise, and the joy of salvation washed over me.

"But God demonstrates His own love for us in this: while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." (Romans5: 8)