After School Fun - Feb 23
This is what we heard from Richard...
Nate and I had a blast last Thursday (January 24th) after school at the high school. Nate's been going pretty much every week for a while, so I wanted to join in the fun. We like to go and hang out with the kids after school and do prophetic and power evangelism.
Last time I went we met a guy who'd been hooked on pain killers because of acute back pain. He'd told us if he stopped taking the pain killers he felt terrible, and his back would hurt too much. So he had to take them every single day, it was basically an addiction. He let us pray for him, and we prayed in Jesus name for his back to be healed, and for the addiction to be broken. When we met him this time, he told us: "Since you prayed for me 2 weeks ago I haven't taken a single pain killer, and my back is healed!". That was a good start, so we praised God and pressed on.
Then we chatted to a group of kids, and started praying for them prophetically. Two were backslidden Christians and one was a wiccan. One of the girls said she had knee pain: Her knee were damaged during a game of baseball a year ago, and the pain was constant ever since. She said the pain was about 5/10. We prayed for her in Jesus name.. But nothing happened, which made some kids laugh. But that's OK.... So we prayed again. This time we felt the presence of God very strongly. She said "that's weird.. it doesn't hurt as much." I asked her if we could pray one more time. This time there was tons of heat on her knee (weird for a cold January day). We commanded the knee to come into alignment with Heaven, and prayed "in Jesus name be healed". Then she flexed her knee: "Oh my gosh... It's totally better. It doesn't hurt at all. Wow!!!" That opened up an amazing opportunity to share Christ with her wiccan friend.
Next we went and stood near one of the exits to the school. A couple of kids let us prophesy over them, which drew a crowd. Then a guy came out of the school on crutches. He'd sprained his knee and it was swollen. Nate started praying for him. One kid shouted "that's not real", but then the kid on crutches felt his knee: "I'm afraid so guys! It's totally better". He then handed me his crutches, rolled up his trouser leg, and took off his knee bandage: No swelling. Nate told him to jump. He started jumping around outside the school. The kids went nuts. We just kept saying "God is real. Jesus is alive, and he loves healing people. He's the same yesterday, today and forever."
That caused a Jewish teenager to come over to us. He said "I am Jewish and I don't believe in Jesus. But I have tendonitis in my elbow, and it really hurts. If you heal my elbow in Jesus' name then I'll believe in him." So Nate lay hands on his elbow and started praying. After a couple of minutes Nate said "Now stretch out your arm". The guy did so... Felt his elbow... Looked at Nate... Then looked back at his elbow.... Then shouted "Ahh!!!!!" And simply ran away down the street. He was pretty shaken up when he realised he was healed. Nate is still hunting for him to make sure he follows up on his promise!
There were two other healings that afternoon. Right there in front of the school exit, with kids watching from the school bus windows. Five healings in one hour. Every person we prayed for.
The Kingdom of God is here and now!
The above sharing came from Jesus Culture's testimony page, totally recommend everyone to check out the awesome things God is doing right now everywhere in America!!
God let Your presence fall on my campus!! Use me to shine the light! Let the Holy Spirit move and perform signs, wonders, divine healings, and prophecies!!
This is what we heard from Richard...
Nate and I had a blast last Thursday (January 24th) after school at the high school. Nate's been going pretty much every week for a while, so I wanted to join in the fun. We like to go and hang out with the kids after school and do prophetic and power evangelism.
Last time I went we met a guy who'd been hooked on pain killers because of acute back pain. He'd told us if he stopped taking the pain killers he felt terrible, and his back would hurt too much. So he had to take them every single day, it was basically an addiction. He let us pray for him, and we prayed in Jesus name for his back to be healed, and for the addiction to be broken. When we met him this time, he told us: "Since you prayed for me 2 weeks ago I haven't taken a single pain killer, and my back is healed!". That was a good start, so we praised God and pressed on.
Then we chatted to a group of kids, and started praying for them prophetically. Two were backslidden Christians and one was a wiccan. One of the girls said she had knee pain: Her knee were damaged during a game of baseball a year ago, and the pain was constant ever since. She said the pain was about 5/10. We prayed for her in Jesus name.. But nothing happened, which made some kids laugh. But that's OK.... So we prayed again. This time we felt the presence of God very strongly. She said "that's weird.. it doesn't hurt as much." I asked her if we could pray one more time. This time there was tons of heat on her knee (weird for a cold January day). We commanded the knee to come into alignment with Heaven, and prayed "in Jesus name be healed". Then she flexed her knee: "Oh my gosh... It's totally better. It doesn't hurt at all. Wow!!!" That opened up an amazing opportunity to share Christ with her wiccan friend.
Next we went and stood near one of the exits to the school. A couple of kids let us prophesy over them, which drew a crowd. Then a guy came out of the school on crutches. He'd sprained his knee and it was swollen. Nate started praying for him. One kid shouted "that's not real", but then the kid on crutches felt his knee: "I'm afraid so guys! It's totally better". He then handed me his crutches, rolled up his trouser leg, and took off his knee bandage: No swelling. Nate told him to jump. He started jumping around outside the school. The kids went nuts. We just kept saying "God is real. Jesus is alive, and he loves healing people. He's the same yesterday, today and forever."
That caused a Jewish teenager to come over to us. He said "I am Jewish and I don't believe in Jesus. But I have tendonitis in my elbow, and it really hurts. If you heal my elbow in Jesus' name then I'll believe in him." So Nate lay hands on his elbow and started praying. After a couple of minutes Nate said "Now stretch out your arm". The guy did so... Felt his elbow... Looked at Nate... Then looked back at his elbow.... Then shouted "Ahh!!!!!" And simply ran away down the street. He was pretty shaken up when he realised he was healed. Nate is still hunting for him to make sure he follows up on his promise!
There were two other healings that afternoon. Right there in front of the school exit, with kids watching from the school bus windows. Five healings in one hour. Every person we prayed for.
The Kingdom of God is here and now!
The above sharing came from Jesus Culture's testimony page, totally recommend everyone to check out the awesome things God is doing right now everywhere in America!!
God let Your presence fall on my campus!! Use me to shine the light! Let the Holy Spirit move and perform signs, wonders, divine healings, and prophecies!!
OH MAN AWESOME!!!! hahaha i liked the last one the most. that was hilarious. "ahhhh!" *runs* hahahaha sounded like what i would have done. xD im serious. oh man i have stuff today too! so encouraged. AHHHH HEHE alice. you're too cute. "next time we should take naps to practice it" hahahahah awww. i didn't know that was waiting upon the Lord but ok! :)
awwww YES. He IS TAKING OVER. yes. i've been learning more about doing this sort of thing. :] we need to grow together. when people gather, God is there. i'm glad you felt God, Alice. [: the feeling was so strong i just had to do it.
this is my face---> (o__O)!!...
actually with my mouth wide open!
Alice thanks for posting this.
I needed it =)
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